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The early days of the Club

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In the 50th Anniversary Year, John Waldron, Commodore, wrote articles for the Newsletter based on his discussions with Malcolm Cross and Bernard Rhodes, founder members of SWSC, He also used the early minute books, which make interesting reading.

The Founding of the Club: From the minute book the first month

Inaugural meeting Saturday 13th May 1961

"The first business to be discussed was whether the club should be for sailing boats only or to include motor boats. Mr Tomlinson proposed that the club should be a sailing club, but if in the future people wished to join with motor-boats they could either have a separate club or join the sailing club".

"The name of the club was proposed as the South Windermere Sailing Club by B. Rhodes, and carried unanimously".

"It was also decided that the headquarters for the time being should be at Fell Foot, unless later on the numbers from Blakeholme increased enough to make a clubhouse there more convenient".

"It was decided that there were no subscriptions as yet, the members of the Committee should each lend 10/- towards preliminary expenses".

"For the sailing programme it was suggested that there should be an open race on 22nd May to handicap boats, with no entry fees, the starting time being 2.30 at the South end of Windermere. Mr Rees kindly offered the use of his boat for rescue work when possible. Also the

R.W.Y.C. have offered the use of their racing marks and sent the club best wishes for the future".

Sub-committee meeting Sunday 21st May 1961

"It was decided that for the time being the club should be limited to those who could provide their own launching facilities, with the subscription at 1 guinea ...."

'General Meeting' Saturday 27th May 1961

"Mr Tomlinson took the chair ....... Mr P Rhodes suggested that those who trail their boats and launch for the day, and who were keen, should be allowed to join, and this was agreed upon"."It was decided to elect a permanent Committee, from which officers were to be elected as soon as possible. The following were elected: Mr Cross, Mr Tattersall, Mr I

Thomson, Mr Rees, Mr Brearley, Mr P Rhodes, Mr B Rhodes honorary secretary, Mr A Langtree honorary treasurer, Mr Bryson and Mr Murray".

"Mr B Rhodes then proposed that the following items should be purchased by the club: rope for racing buoys, whistle, yachtsman timer, loud hailer or megaphone, and one lot of 25 copies of the 1961 Racing Rules. This was agreed upon".

Committee meeting Saturday 10th June 1961

"Mr I Thomson said he did not wish to accept the invitation to serve on the Committee and Mr Kay was coopted in his place. Those proposed as Commodore were:

Mr Rees by Mr Tattersall

Mr Brearley by Mr Rees

Mr Tattersall by Mr Rhodes Mr Cross by Mr Rees Mr Brearley was elected and took the chair, with Mr Cross as Vice-Commodore.

Mr Cross then proposed that the wife of a full member should also be a full member with a vote, at half price, but it was decided that the present system was satisfactory".

"The next item was the sailing instructions. Decisions taken were:

1.To move the buoy near the ski-club a bit further away.

2.To adopt a staggered start as soon as a loud-hailer could be obtained.

3.To seek permission to land on the shore near Skirtful Crags.

4.To sail all races over the same fixed course for the time being. .......

6.To hold races fortnightly, alternating between Saturday 3.00 pm and Sunday 2.30 pm ...

7.To set up a handicapping committee. Mr Brearley and B Rhodes volunteered".

"Mr Cross' proposal for a burgee was accepted. Mr Langtree proposed that the Commodore and Secretary should have headed notepaper".

Committee meeting Saturday 17th June 1961 (34 days of the club's existence!)

"......... it was decided that a shore base for the O.O.D. was desirable, and the system of massed start was satisfactory for the time being ........ It was decided to approach Sir John Fisher about permission to land for conducting races, and that headed notepaper should be deferred until the burgee had been confirmed.

The possibility of using the 'Cygnet' as a clubhouse was discussed".

"Mr Brearley suggested having a dinner and dance, possibly in the dining-room of the Lakeside Hotel, on the third Saturday in October, ..... Mr Tattersall suggested a prize consisting of a piece of equipment for the winner of the points series.

Under Any Other Business, Mr Rees proposed holding a long-distance race round Thompson's Holme in August. The programme for the first part of August was arranged as follows;

Sat. 5th 10.30am long distance race

Sat 12th R.W.Y.C. open meeting

Sun. 20th Points race.

Last updated 20:31 on 21 May 2024

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